Many manufacturers and wholesalers provide funds to their distributors and retailers for advertising, demo equipment, point-of-purchase displays, etc. Generally, it's free money. There may be strings attached such as how the money can be used, that products from competing suppliers can't be advertised on the same page, etc., but for the most part the restrictions aren't onerous.
Make sure you know the rules. The amount you receive is often based on your volume with the supplier over a 3, 6, or 12-month period. You usually have a certain amount of time to use the money and file a claim. Make sure someone is in charge of the program so you don't lose out.
Finally, keep in mind that any amounts you receive constitute taxable income. But, of course, that will be offset by the cost of the ads, etc. If you're a manufacturer or supplier, you might consider instituting such a program for dealers.
If you have any questions about this topic, tax law changes, business tips, or how to become a client, please call us at 954-591-8290 or use our Contact form.